Monday, September 26, 2005

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good: Jason got my promise ring back from the jeweller's correctly sized. So now I can actually wear it on the correct finger. And its prettier than it is in that picture, but that's the best picture I could find.

The Bad: It's only Monday and I'm already worn out...this is going to be a long week.

The Ugly: I spent the majority of the weekend avoiding what I knew I had to do and now I have a ton of homework to do tonight to get caught up again...this is going to be a long night.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hair Count Diaries: Starting to Thin

The craziness of my schedule is starting to hit me. Not only do I have a lot of reading and writing to do, but I have very little time to do it in. I also have to squeeze in time to do several classroom observations, service learning, interviews, lesson plans, and the list goes on. On top of that, there are lots of new things going on at work too. New projects, new people, more things to think about. Ack! I think I'm going to need a larger calendar just to manage all the things that I need to get done this semester. But I think that once I start getting things completed I won't feel quite so overwhelmed. I think that I will really need my December break by the time December rolls around.

Hair Count: 109,000

Friday, September 09, 2005

Hair Count Diaries: Story Time

One of my classes this semester is Teaching Writing for Elementary Students. We had our second class last night, and it was just as good as the first. The professor taught middle school for years, and uses many techniques that you would use in a middle school classroom on us. Its great fun :) Last night she asked that we each bring a piece of fruit, disguised in a bag. She read us Owl Moon by Jane Yolen, a great picture book with lots of sensory images. Then we had to get to know our fruits and write about them using as many sensory images as we could. The idea is to give the audience an image of the piece of fruit without actually naming it. She also handed out Scholastic book order forms. So many good deals... I love this class, its always a fun one to go to, and you never know what the prof will do next. And the great thing is, I get credit for it!

Hair Count: 110,000 strands and holding. So far its not too bad, busy but not unmanageable.

Friday, September 02, 2005

A Quarter of a Century

Happy Birthday to me! Well it is now official, I am a quarter of a century old. Or as my sister would say, just old. I've already had a little bit of a birthday celebration, last weekend when I was home my mom made a cake and my grandparents came over for lunch. We didn't have candles though, mom said it was too early for that. But this morning the birthday fairy visited. I went out to my car to go to work and discovered that the birthday fairy had left a birthday surprise for me. There was a card and happy birthday balloon, and flowers in my cup holder. What a sneaky fairy ;)