Tis Friday once again, the eve of another great weekend hopefully. I'm hoping for nice weather tomorrow, hoping for a good beach day :) I took some pictures at Maureen's wedding that I've been meaning to post, but as you can see I haven't done so yet. I'll try to remember Monday to put the pictures on my flash drive.
I've been busy this week constructing a set of shelves out of some leftover plywood. I was hoping to get them all pieced together last night, but my drill ran out of juice :( All well, I guess it will be next week before I get them done.
In other news, its my little brothers birthday today. Though he's not so little anymore, he's 21 already! Makes me feel old. So Ryan if you see this, happy birthday!
Hmmm, what else... Oh my family will be in town next weekend, and my long lost roomie returns this week as well. So it will be a fullhouse next weekend. Should be fun though, I'm taking my folks to check out the Petra exhibit at Calvin.