Friday, June 17, 2005

TGIF and Nutty

Its Friday once again. Took Nutty over to the new apartment last night. She cried the whole way there as expected, you'd think I was torturing her or something. When I brought her upstairs she climbed out of her carrier then gave me this look. She was very cautious and not too sure of herself. I put out her food dish, and put out fresh litter in her litterbox, but she was not interested in any of that. I left the door open and "locked" her in the laundry room, then went downstairs to get some more stuff from the car. When I came back up the laundry room door was open (it pushes open) and I could hear her crying somewhere in the building. The silly cat had wandered off down the hall and was lost. I retrieved her from the second floor and carried her back upstairs.

I finished unloading the car, then warmed up some leftovers for dinner. By this time Nutty had situated herself behind the washing machine and was crying from back there. No matter how much I coaxed she would not come out. When I left to go back to the old apartment she was still hiding out behind the washing machine.

This morning I got up early to bring another bunch of stuff to the new apartment and to check on Nutty. I think she slept behind the washing machine, because that's where she was when I first got there. But her food was gone, and she had used the litter box, so that's a good sign.

Reminds me of her first night in our apartment as a kitten. She cried that night too, and slept behind the washing machine. Hopefully by tomorrow she'll be adjusted to her new surroundings.

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