Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Of late, keys have been the bane of my existence. It started on Friday, when in my rush to get out and enjoy the weekend I left my keys sitting on my desk. I grabbed my purse and headed for the door, locking it and pulling it shut behind me. No sooner had I done that when I realized that I had forgotten to pick up my keys. Doh! I tried, very unsuccessfully to get the door open again with a credit card. Thankfully I had my phone, so I was able to call Jason to come rescue me. I stopped at the apartment office to get someone to let me into my apartment building. It was then that I realized that my spare car keys were locked in the garage with the other stuff that I had packed. And my garage key was locked inside my office, along with my mail key. So it ended up being a car-less, mail-less weekend.

Monday morning rolled around and I was still car-less, so I walked to work. And there were my keys, exactly where I had left them Friday afternoon. After work I headed to my new apartment complex to sign my life away. They gave me my new keys and I headed up to check out my new apartment. Started doing the rounds, kitchen, living room, bathroom, etc. I was very happy with it, by the way. Headed out onto the porch to look in the utility closet and check out the view. Looked around for a bit then went to go back inside. Tried to turn the doorknob...guess what?!? It was locked! So there I sat, no keys, no phone, stuck on my porch on the third floor. Man I felt dumb. Luckily I only had to wait about 10 minutes (that felt like forever) when I couple came out of the building. I called down to them and Mike from apartment A came to my rescue. I'm glad I left the apartment door unlocked!

I can't believe that I locked myself out twice in the matter of 4 days!

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