Monday, August 22, 2005

*Hack, hack, sniffle sniffle, snort*

Having a cold in the middle of August is terrible. I caught a cold bug sometime early last week and have been going through various stages of misery. Started out with a stuffed up nose and a plugged left ear. The plugged ear switched to my right ear, still a stuffed nose and mild cough. Then no more stuffed ears, but a very sore throat and dry cough. Every time I swallowed it felt like needles going down my throat. Then yesterday my throat was killing me, I had a cough that comes from deep in my chest and nearly lost my voice completely. This morning my voice was back, and my nose is no longer stuffed, and my cough is a very deep, satisfying one. I'm hoping that this means I'm almost through it. A whole week of this has been torture, especially when the weather is sunny and warm.

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