Thursday, October 16, 2003

Belated GEMs Update

Since we left right after GEMs last week for Ontario, I never did blog about it. So that night, lets see, the 8th, was craft night. So I had no need for any bribery cuz I didn't have a lesson to get them to pay attention to. The girls were making mosaics with cement and glass stones. Each girl had a pie plate of cement, into which she could put a design using the stones. The catch is, that each girl wants the stones that another girl has. Lots of trading, stealing, tricking, went on as each girl tried to get the stones she wanted. Cries of "so-and-so's not sharing" arose from various corners of the room. Kids. Reminds me of when my mother would buy us Smarties. She would count out the colours so that each kid had the same amount of each colour. That way we couldn't fight about it.

Eventually each girl was satisfied with her allotment of stones and they set to work on their designs. After the craft, the girls had a rowdy game of tag in the basement. When someone suggested Telephone, I jumped at the chance to get the girls settled down, and organized them to play Telephone. Which they did, quite happily until it was time to go home.

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