Thursday, October 16, 2003

Last night I decided to go out and take a walk. Haven't done that in awhile, since I got my car I haven't needed to walk as much. But it was a beautiful evening and I decided that I should take advantage of the nice weather. Afterall, soon it will be snowing again. So I grabbed my keys, put on my running shoes and a sweatshirt and headed down the road. Down Knapp St, and up Ball St. Did you know that there is an elementary school and a small park on Ball St? I didn't. On the way I saw a girl walking her dog, an elderly couple walking and a person trying to calm down a screaming baby (on her porch). It's nice to just walk around and be alone with your thoughts. Just me and my thoughts, strolling down the street. I have decided to do that more often. I like to explore the neighborhood on foot, you see so much more that way. You see the smaller things that you wouldn't notice in a car.

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